Research funding
Cmb's goal is to develop leadership and management in the urban development, construction and community building sector - based on evidence-based knowledge and proven experience. We contribute to the build of a thriving, inclusive and sustainable society and we therefore support research that has an overall focus on and emphasis on leadership and management.
Examples of subject areas are management aspects of climate leadership, digitalisation, organizational and business development, urban planning and urban development, as well as innovativeness. The basic criterion for the research that cmb supports and finances is that it is project-led by a doctoral researcher at Chalmers, who, together with employees at the partner companies or individually, seeks funds for research and development projects. Otherwise, there are no restrictions regarding the collaboration between different universities and research institutes. Projects can be initiated by researchers at Chalmers, by member companies or by cmb's various knowledge groups.
We primarily welcome applications for feasibility studies, but larger project applications can also be submitted. We emphasize in that case the necessity of co-funding. Funding through cmb also means a clear focus on dissemination, as we are a partner-owned foundation with the aim of developing the industry's level of knowledge. A project's organization should consist of both researchers from Chalmers and people from one or more of the stakeholder companies, e.g. as part of a reference group. We encourage researchers early in their career to seek support from us, as we want to contribute to the long-term research growth within our focus areas. The more relational procedure that characterizes our financing process is a good training ground for larger project applications.
Applications received are processed by an assessment group, that consists of both researchers and senior practitioners in the industry, most of the latter having their own doctorates. Normally, the response time from submitted application and notification is around two months.
Application times
Applications for research grants can be submitted continuously during the year via e-mail: However, incoming applications are processed at committee meetings on three occasions during the year, two in the spring and one during the autumn semester.
Deadlines appear as stated in the box to the right.
Instructions for application
You are advised to follow customary structures for the application as far as possible. The following parts must be described in an application, alongside the title and main applicant:
- Popular science abstract A short summary paragraph that describes the project in a very accessible way.
- Project costs and financing Budget, possible co-financing, distribution among different cost types) - if it is partial financing for a larger application, it must be clearly stated who the other financiers are and how much is sought from us
- Background Problem statement, current state of knowledge and previous research, purpose, connection to cmb's focus areas, weeding
- Expected results Benefit for academia and industry respectively
- Implementation Choice of methods, project organization (including how participating partner companies participate in the project), theoretical basis, activity and timetable
- Accounting Project documentation, ideas about the dissemination of project results (in addition to the mandatory, popular science short report and presentation at a cmb breakfast)
A short, clear and well-written application increases the chance of a good assessment of your application. A decisive factor in the assessment of the projects is that there is a clear focus on leadership and management in terms of purpose, issues and general structure. It is also desirable that there are named partner companies that can function as co-applicants or as part of a reference group. An application must be a maximum of 6 A4, including references.
Rules and Conditions
The project manager must contribute to ensuring that cmb, or persons appointed by cmb, can follow the work within the project. This takes place, for example, through quarterly reconciliations of the project's progress and possible delays. The project manager is expected to report his results in one or more publications and actively disseminate the results via seminars, trade press articles and more. In all these oral and written presentations, cmb must be mentioned according to individual agreement.
Payment of the granted grant takes place in installments as the project progresses, normally quarterly. Verifications of costs incurred in the project must be made upon request. This must contain a cost specification drawn up in connection with the corresponding information in the application. 30 percent of the grant sum is normally withheld until the project has been completed and approved by cmb.
Cmb has the right to adjust the granted grant if:
- The project has not been run according to the plan specified in the application with any later agreed changes Cmb finds that there are no conditions to reach a satisfactory result within a reasonable time.
- The recipient of the grant receives a significant financial gain in relation to the grant through results obtained within the framework of the project.
- The grantee is insolvent and the planned continuation of the work cannot be considered assured.
- The grant recipient uses grant funds for other than the grant purpose or has provided incorrect information in the application or otherwise does not meet the terms of this contract.
- The beneficiary's rights and obligations in relation to cmb cannot be transferred to another without consent. Disputes concerning the interpretation or application of this contract shall be settled in arbitration according to the law on arbitrators
Got questions? Don't hesitate to contact us!

Joakim Forsemalm
Forsknings- och utvecklingsansvarig
070-686 54 19 LinkedIn